Last updated: April 05, 2022

The Importance of HWP Registration Guide

RPR Environmental was founded in 1998 with the idea that there was a better, safer, more efficient way of handling hazardous waste materials. We took it upon ourselves to network with various treatment, recycling, and disposal facilities to offer the best in waste management through the adoption of new technologies. By moving forward with new techniques and reevaluating how hazardous waste was handled, RPR Environmental set out to maintain our mantra of providing industry leading efficiency and effectiveness in hazardous waste management.

Our staff has been trained in the following areas:

  • Classification of Dangerous Goods
  • Responsibilities of shippers, carriers, cosigners, and handlers under TDGR
  • Use of Safety marks
  • Safe Handling Practices
  • Proper Documentation
  • Environmental Protection Act
  • Offenses and Fines for Various Infractions
  • Spills
  • Transportation Emergencies

Audit and Inspection Services
Our audit and inspection services make sure all aspects of hazardous waste handling and transporting maintain an impeccable level of compliance.
We provide the following type of inspection and auditing services:

  • Chemical Compliance Auditing Services
  • Healthy and Safety Auditing Services
  • Hood Inspections
  • Radioactive Material Level Audit

Inventory Management
We offer management services to help sort, inventory, package and remove high-risk or surplus chemicals. We also sort, label, and place various chemical materials in accordance to compatibility for safe storage. We ensure both the facility and operations meet MOL and MOE requirements.
If you have questions regarding the HWP registration guide or HWP training in Ontario, please reach out to RPR Environmental today.